Sun, 13-Mar-2022 02:56pm

Comicad Network's Official YOUTUBE CHANNEL :)

Comicad now has an Official Youtube Channel! Vibe to lofi beats and learn "How To Comicad" today!

Video content focuses on how to create an account on Comicad and bidding, to placing free exchanges with others. There's even a focus on some useful settings that some Comicadians may not be aware of. So smash that like button and subscribe for more Comicad video content!

Sat, 19-Feb-2022 02:03pm

Campaigns - Incoming Update for April 2nd

Comicad will be introducing campaigns soon, scheduled to release on April 2nd, 2022 on Campaigns will offer a fast, automated way to place multiple bids across available ad spaces and will follow user set parameters like, genres, budget, bid amounts and more! There will be more information regarding campaigns as April approaches. Stay tuned.

Fri, 28-Jan-2022 12:17am

Bid raise bug fixed

There was a bug that occurred when trying to perform a bid raise action while a low account balance.
Please report those bugs as soon as you find them using the contact page.

Fri, 17-Dec-2021 04:05pm

Staff Picks

New Comicad homepage addition on! Introducing 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑭𝑭 𝑷𝑰𝑪𝑲𝑺! Staff picks function to highlight certain comics that we feel deserve a little attention. Be it great artwork, great stats, or cheap bidding opportunities. Staff picks are not permanent.

Sat, 20-Nov-2021 10:42am

Charts have been updated

Charts have been improved, oddities have been fixed, like the mouse-over on node-less lines.
The account site list chart has a new mode: "All Time", it shows all monthly publisher records of each site.
It loads on-demand, independent of the initial page loading.

Sat, 06-Nov-2021 11:52am

Previews for publisher banner uploads

It's now possible to preview the resampled banner when creating or editing a publisher site.
The preview appears when you click the submission button, it's possible to re-upload a new version without reloading the page.
The guide below illustrates what to avoid when submitting a publisher banner, provided with the previews:

Fri, 22-Oct-2021 07:45am

Introducing UDAV : Unique Daily Views

This valuable metric will be displayed together with the existing DAV numbers, starting October 22th, 2021.
The following image illustrates how it works:

Tue, 15-Jun-2021 06:13pm


Comicad now offers a super slim ad, a slim version of the popular "leaderboard" format.

This ad is particularly good for placing on the header or on the footer of your website.
It doesn't take much vertical space, yet, it wont fail to capture your visitors attention. You may choose up to 2 slots, making it a two ad leaderboard!

To pick it, use the "More ad sizes" button of the ad creation page.

Mon, 14-Jun-2021 02:41pm

Search issues fixed

Search had a little bug for the genre, sub-genre and popularity inputs, it's now fixed.
Some search urls are different now, please update any existing bookmarks.

Wed, 21-Apr-2021 09:04pm

Complementary Information and bug fixes

Users can now see complementary information when hovering over certain areas. See the image below for reference.

Also, a bug was solved for search list's quick buttons.

Sun, 11-Apr-2021 03:45pm

New Favorites List, Blacklist & Quick Links Bar

You can now add your favorites sites/comics to your own favorites list! Just click the bookmark icon next a site that you'd like to fave. You can access your favorites list by going to the search page. You can also black list a site to exclude it from the search results (keep in mind that B-Listing a site does not ban ads from or bidding on those sites).

And we're not done yet! Say hello to the QUICK LINKS BAR! You can expand the quick links bar with one click and click it again to hide it away. The quick links include your user balance, daily bid and max amounts, plus links to your ads, bids, and exchange lists! You can also sort/arrange by your favorite sites/comics in your bids list.

Fri, 02-Apr-2021 02:55pm

Happy Bunny Day Weekend!

Wed, 03-Feb-2021 02:29pm



A Flex Bid, (flexible bid) is a normal bid that represents the maximum value willing to pay for an ad space in a 24h period. The amount that will be paid is based on the next competitor's bid value (next in line bid), and can automatically adjust to lower or increase, up to your maximum bid amount. Neat!

How do you place a flex bid?
A flex bid is essentially just a normal bid. You place your bid like usual, and the amount that you bid is the maximum value you are willing to pay. That's it. Our system does the rest. Flex bids automatically adjust so that users get the best value for their bid.

You can see the amount you are currently going to pay in green under the flex bid in the bids section. Here is a visual example:

You can still adjust your bid like normal, and raise when outbid. For more information on flex bids, or bidding in general, please visit our FAQ section.

Mon, 01-Feb-2021 01:50pm

UPDATE - Transition Period for new Bids System Beta

Hey Comicadians! The new bid system beta release is almost here! There will be a small transition period as we roll out the update over the course of the week. More information will become available soon!

Fri, 22-Jan-2021 02:25pm

New - Featured Comics & Top Publishers

New homepage update incoming! Say hello to Featured Comics and Top Publisher Comics!

FEATURED COMICS is a new section where Premium Members get their comic profiles displayed on the homepage. To get featured here one must be a Premium Member Subscriber. Learn more here.

TOP PUBLISHERS is a section right beneath the featured comics where we display the top publishers on for the day! Top publishers are always shuffling, so you'll often see a new one shown with every visit.

To see the new update, please visit the homepage. Enjoy the new additions!