For a period of time we will be experimenting with a flexible bidding system that automatically adjusts to pay the minimum needed to win (currently a user needs to adjust the bids manually), and that never exceeds the user's maximum bid value. During this time we will be monitoring for any issues and taking feedback. The beta period for this new bid system will begin on Feb 1st, 2021. End date has yet to be determined.
Note: There will be a small transition period as we roll out the update over the course of the week. More information will become available soon.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Comicad Network wishes you happy holidays.
Enjoy and stay safe.
Auto bid/exch. buttons are now known as Quick bid/exch. buttons
"Auto" is kind of an unfortunate designation for the buttons which allow quick bidding, so, they're now known as quick buttons.
Note: A quick button does exactly what comic profile forms do, it just does it faster.
Rebid button bug fixed
There was a problem with rebid button and mature ads, it's now fixed.
Additional note from last update: Search by rating now searches both rating and acceptance (before it only searched the rating).
New update to ratings
Now it's possible to use the "Mature" rating (Mild Nudity/Violence/Gore/Language) to rate ads and set publisher site's accepted ads.
From now on, all publisher sites are forced to accept ads of its own rating (it doesn't make much sense otherwise).
We ask users to review their sites and ads in order to set the Mature rating accordingly.
It's possible to raise ad ratings from All Ages -> Mature -> Adult (R18+), to lower the rating, you must contact an administrator with the reason for the change.
My Bid/Exchange previews now available on comic profiles
Comic profiles now include a preview of your currently active bid/exchange, it has the same controls that already existed on my account lists (cancel/discard/extend/raise).
Happy Halloween from
Happy Halloween to all our users, comic creators, artists, and authors!
New adjust button for live bids
A new button has been introduced to adjust live bids value, without the need to cancel/rebid.
The button icon also works as a tag to distinguish bids that are paying above the needed to win from the ones that aren't.
Please note that currently Comicad Network uses a static bid system. Please see FAQ for more information. For that same reason, the adjust button is being introduced.
Please consult the legend of your account bid list page for more information about the new adjust button.
Some improvements
- Search list's yellow icons now display the live status (play icon); these icons now override the gray ones.
- Removed redundant "No notifications" welcome popup.
- Min. bid value is now auto filled when creating a bid unit.
- Your ads/sites input is now auto selected on comic profiles when there's only one option.
Alternative raise/extend buttons available.
Due to some issue reports regarding the default raise/extend buttons, an alternative version of those buttons is available on bid and exchange listing settings.
New notifications
New private messages and news now notify through e-mail. It's possible to opt-in/out on account settings section. PM notifications can also be toggled on the inbox itself.
News & Updates
- Publisher Demos are available (for guests to test their site's stats/placement).
- All ad models now have a dark default ad option available on unit edition page.
- Bug fixed on unit DAVs: The DAVs on the first 7 days had 1 missing day on the denominator (resulting in superfluous DAVs on that period).
- Site Dav's (Search page, Site Profiles) now reflect the site's top unit in real time.
Demo publisher codes coming August 1st
From August 1st on, guest users will be able to publish auto ads on their websites without the need to register or provide an email.
The main goal of demo codes is to allow wannabe publishers to preview the traffic their websites get with Comicad system. It can also be used to test ad placement.
Each url will only be allowed to run 1 ad unit every 7 days. If the publisher is happy with the statistics, he/she might consider registering for real.
Half Banner available for exchanges
Half Banner ad model is now available for exchange ad units.