A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP is a subscription plan that comes with a lot of great benefits to your user account. The benefits are listed as follows:
BONUS: Premium Members will get their comic featured on the Homepage and Search pages!
1. Increased Ad Units per site (up to 5)
2. Up to 5 Alternative URLs per site
3. Increased available slots per Ad Unit for some ad types
4. Increased registered websites (up to 5)
5. Control of published auto ads
6. Allow auto ads on paid units
7. Bid duration extended from 30 to 60 days.
8. Exchange duration increased to 60 days.
9. Increased add funds limits.
10. Increased withdrawal limits.
11. EXTEND ALL button on bids list (that extends all bids in one go).
12. Enables hiding of the footer text link in ad spaces / units.
How much does a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP cost?
The cost of a Premium Membership depends on the duration (run time) of the plan users select. Here are the 4 subscription plans that users can choose from (and their cost in USD):
MONTHLY PLAN - $3.00 per month.
6 MONTHS PLAN - $16.50 per 6 months.
YEARLY PLAN - $25.00 annually.
LIFETIME PLAN - $115.00 one time payment.
Plans can be automatically renewed, or manually renewed, or be set to expire if one so wishes. When a Premium Member Subscription expires, the user's account will revert back to normal status and the extra Premium options will be disabled.
For more information about Premium Memberships, please check the FAQ section on subscriptions ( ).
Keep on comic making, Staff