Grape Ape'S Profile & Avatar
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Grape Ape
- Artist Bio

I’m a comic artist and the creator of Nocturne 21, a project I started 20 years ago during my angsty teen years. I’ve poured blood, sweat and a helluva lot of tears into improving my art and storytelling skills to make it something worth reading. My dream is to one day see it on shelves and maybe use the money to feed my mini-monster so maybe she’ll stop trying to eat my hair instead.


Nocturne 21 87

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Grape Ape
- Artist Bio

I’m a comic artist and the creator of Nocturne 21, a project I started 20 years ago during my angsty teen years. I’ve poured blood, sweat and a helluva lot of tears into improving my art and storytelling skills to make it something worth reading. My dream is to one day see it on shelves and maybe use the money to feed my mini-monster so maybe she’ll stop trying to eat my hair instead.


Nocturne 21 11

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468x60 $0.02
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